Friday, June 21, 2013


A moment; that’s all it takes for life to swiftly turn;
A chance meeting, a glance to make the heart churn!
Eyes that smile with the depth of secrets untold,
A visage with humility written all over it;
Lips that sparkle with the elixir of immortal folds!

It’s barely an event and yet a phenomenon;
Shakes all you hold dear with sheer charisma!
Beauty is joyous but not all things beautiful are;
And yet only some manage to pierce the soul,
Such is their cruel yet magnificent power!

That moment transforms you; alters your vision;
And you recognize it deep down; the connection!
Despite the mind saying; “Oh you’re in trouble”;
Your heart turns asunder with the tactile emotions;
And it's difficult to evade the glorious bubble!

The deepest impressions are made, not by beauty though;
But by a disposition so soft it seems unique and ethereal!
That deadly culmination of humility, respect and mettle;
Touches the soul, overwhelms the very core;
The very foundations of your seamless personality!!

Funny how that one moment is so omnipotent;
And so strange when the other one is indifferent!
Although it hurts to know the dream's unattainable;
The moment lives on, the glances continue;
With soft yearning in the heart’s troubled terrain!

For it is moments like these that define who we are;
That drive the strife to claim the golden flower!
The flower of love, the oasis of warmth and trust;
Seemingly inappropriate, that elusive yet natural reaction;
That sparks a lively hope, sustaining which is a must!

If not in this life, in this world, in this precious moment;
Perhaps in another; you might live the perfect sonnet!
Until that blissful instant though, there're soft sighs;
Adoration, enchantment and admiration from afar;
Because moments transcending magic in reality always suffice!!