Sunday, December 18, 2011


Venturing into the unknown, excitement and adventure,
A fiesta of challenges, a sense of foreboding censure!
Nerves and energy, reveling in the wonderful tide so blue,
Starting a fresh chapter, a fascinating domain, the path anew!

Time flies, faster than heartbeats, runs away in an eye - roll,
Have to realize the worth of each moment, enrapturing the soul!
Few would say it's a beginning, then again it's not their call,
The fog is lifting and the panaroma's shifting, long gone are the falls!

The dynamic is encouraging, the surroundings blissfully hued,
Potent is the will, the energy infectious, new potions being brewed!
The journey is omniscient, the goal  becoming clearer with every step,
Striving hard and reaching out, to touch the celestial success net!!

Excited for the next six months of Management education!!! 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The End.......... A Beginning!!!

The goodness of the heart, the beauty of candor,
The vibrance of a first sensation, the piety of valor!
Hard to explain, to put in black & white,
How beautiful it is, that seemingly perennial light!!

Lost in a warm embrace, comforted by a natural sigh,
From zero to two hundred in sixty seconds, a nerve -wracking high!
She waded through waterfalls and shone through fire,
She held it too close, at the precipice, on the pier!!

An avalanche of bliss was so very close in sight,
Nothing could possibly derail the joy, it felt so right!
And then it hit harshly, out of the blue,
All colors were dimmed, blackened was the dew!!

It numbed her, paralyzed her heart, through & through,
For no words could describe her emotions' painful view!
Heartbreak hurts but there was more to her agony,
All seemed lost, hope, desire, love and sanctuary!!

Tumultuous was the hour, no wings to fly,
Gloom and doom seemed paramount, temperament wry!
But she was strong and so were those around,
A symphony of love, from an omni-present circle of friends!!

They were there, when all was over or so it seemed,
For light can be found even in darkness, just got to catch the beam!
And that is what she did, saw beyond the dreary,
Believing good times will be back, will re-arrive her old fairy!!

Life is cruel, it strikes where it stings the most,
Pain and ecstasy & rain and drought share the same roots!
It is through trials that true perseverence sparkles,
Laughter emanates from tears, and tears from laughter, a dynamic crackle!!

With endless moroseness, came endless opportunity.
She began the journey anew, started afresh through life's paucity!
With dreams yet unrealized and loved ones with whom to win the battle,
She reached the skies; no doubt, fear or tears on her mantle!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Decisions, Decisions!

Life as we know it is a conundrum of alternatives that branch out into numerous permutations and combinations of events, paths and choices! The choices we make make us who we are and propel us towards who we can be and make us realize our true and latent potential! It's the decisions we take that outline and articulate the pit-stops and destinations that we strive for in the epic journey of life.

At every point and turn of the path, we've got to face the ultimate questions of 'What if'! Every decision has a tree with all of its branches hanging lose and leading to diverse checkpoints costing only God knowing how much toll tax and opportunity cost. If we are to take the best possible route to our goal, we need to be rational and cognizant of the pros and cons of all the choices. But more often than not, it's very hard to be indifferent, objective and rational when so many factors are in play, twisting our minds affecting the course of our choices!! So, it's a real mess of emotions, alternatives and decisions!!

Let's leave it at the penultimate dilemma!!

Decisions, decisions, where do we go!
Opportunities and challenges, life's boat we row!
One step ahead, two steps back one moves!
Choose well, for it can decide, boom or gloom!!!!


Life passes in the whims and reviews of RBI meets,
All incomes being dwarfed by many a cess!
The constant roar of WPI makes us wonder!
Will the hiking rates tear our dreams asunder!!

The twisted alleys of Policy statements and DF rule our days!!
Putting to shreds all hopes of merry old ways!!!
Trying to comprehend the BOP Balances is kinda a pain!
Keeping track of all those IPR reviews can really make one insane!

But we keep going, for we hold it all perfectly together!!!
We take the pain, are happily insane, so more info we gather!
For we love the analyses, the C and E, heart what's true!
We dig it, prove it, rationalize, coz that's what Economists do!!!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Do we really stand on a dangerous precipice,
on the edge of glory, on a wicked standstill!!
Are the doubts so strong, the faith so fickle!
With the slightest crack, can we let the darkness slither!!

Belief that lasts a lifetime, faith that pierces the heart!
Can never and shall never be outclassed or ripped apart!
For if it ends in a moment, in a whisker of drums and blues!
Could it ever have been real, permanent and really true!!

I'll carry my faith to the grave and hell yes, beyond!!
It won't fade, it won't die, I'll keep alive the lovely song!
For memories are eternal, so is love, so is trust, so is belief!
It's impossible to let slide or let circumstances ring the beep!

Will stay blessed, reveling in the beautiful strands of hope!
Always more to play for and achieve, rewrite destiny's quotes!
Not week enough to demolish the belief, let doomsayers have their say!!
It is for believers to keep rolling, the chips will fall where they may!

Monday, September 5, 2011


You nurture young creative minds, make them who they are!
You're always there for them, in sun and in shower!
You show the light and lead the journey when it's dark!
You're generous and kind, strict and emo, sweet and sour!

Your talent and persevernece are as strong as boulders!
You're the real heroes, ever - giving & selfless nation builders!
You possess ingenuous skill and gallons of patience!
You love us like your own, make us proud and worthy citizens!!

For all of you who make us open our wings and fly!
A warm salute, a humble bow, your significance none can deny!
You're brave and experimentative, never afraid to venture!
We're indebted to you for all eternity, DEAREST, LOVLIEST TAECHERS!!

A very Happy Teachers' Day to everyone, especially to all the teachers who've contributed even the tiniest bit to who I am today!! Love you all!! A big SALAAM to you all!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Suppressed, exploited and submerged too long!
Finally the voice has delivered a cataclysmic song!
No longer will it succumb to tolerance and patience!
The barriers have fallen, the revolution has begun hence!

It takes a true flame to enlighten a billion hearts, to evoke their passions!
Someone to initiate and be the rebel, to find solutions to the tensions!
And when the spark's ignited, the sufferers rise and unite as one voice!
To seek answers, to change the impasse, to make that reactive choice!

The plight of the masses, the anguish, the anger, the pain!
Pouring down on the powers-that-be, like unstoppable rain!
They can't stop us now, we've born with them too much!
It's our time to speak out, no longer will the voices be crushed!

Change will come, the change we will bring, the change we will see!
Usurpers of the nation's wealth will have to face the collective decree!
Won't fall, won't err, won't bear any more the misutilisation of authority!
It's the fight for a corruption free India, history will witness this glorious testimony!

Monday, August 15, 2011


A tribute to four and sixty glorious years of freedom,
A prism of strength, independence, victory and wisdom!
Celebrations of a democracy, a land of unity in diversity!
Still ridden with millions craving in d bowels of poverty!!

It was a dream our ancestors envisioned, a prosperous utopia!
A perfect blend of varied interests, a conundrum of diasporas!
But the dream's yet half realised, many milestones still beckon!
This great nation cries for equality, freedom from evils forming shackles!

It's we who can take the baton forward, raise this civilisation to newer heights!
Only we can fulfill this challenging mission, the goal of a better nation firm in our sighst!
It won't be easy, we'll be stopped, crushed, violated and torn by bottlenecks and anti-nationals!
With valiant hearts and determined resolves, we'll rise up and overwhelm all the barriers!

Their dreams we shall realise, their visions we'll turn into a reality to capture!
With the concerted efforts of all our compatriots, we'll defeat all raptures!
We'll succeed, because we're gritty and strong, more than a billion hands toiling together!
Striving for a greater and more equal India, a tribute to the dreams of our founding fathers!

Happy Independence day, everyone!!

Proud to be an Indian!!! ALWAYS!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


They knock, they come, they stay,
they tease, they joke, they play!!
They bring the light in the dark,
they wish you morning like the lark!

They shout n yell, loudly they swear;
they caress softly, harshly they duress!!
They fight with ease, passionately they hug;
they eternalize a mundane coffee mug!

They dance with you in sudden jigs;
They sing crazily and in full wits!
They pester hard and they torture;
deeply they care, they’re brilliant soothers!!

They help with insane devotion;
no avenues of support they leave!
They argue, they motivate;
they make us strive for better ways!

They're sweet, they're fiesty;
they're mean, they're very kind!!
They make life all the more special,
they turn simple moments divine!!

They're priceless, they're glorious;
They’re worth every single pain!
Friends are pure bliss, a sheer joy,
they're there for you in sun n in rain!!!!!

A very Happy Friendship's Day to all my dear friends and fellow federistas!! I treasure you all!! God bless!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Wish they weren't so blind, to the precious worth of time!!!!
If they knew it can't be paused, stopped or putback in mode rewind!!!
Alas they don't, it's an utter waste trying to make them see sense!!!!
Not everyone is blessed with the virtue of patience amidst a wretched mess!!

With patience did we persevere, with zero gusto did we make it through!!
If only it were half as difficult, a little more worth to be pursued!!!!!!!!
Not all wanderings are aimless they say, but some ironically are incredibly lame!
When the onset of the journey and the finale are the same old pointless charades!

Since life's a bagful of experiences n sojourns, some are bound to be off d radar!
Endeavours centralised on the target, seemingly so near and yet so very far!!!
There's always a next time, learning from the pitstops counts and cumulates!!!!
Prioritise, optimise and improvise, lest d fiesta makes d journey a sinking conglomerate!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Many have defined love in their own ways, some have called it a beautiful feeling that makes one lose control, others have described it as an obsession, an addiction that drives one to insanity!! But what is Love really?? Is it just always thinking about someone else without ever wanting to, giving them a place so deep in your heart you can barely have any control left anymore or is it just waiting for a call that would never come, preserving flowers till and after they rot?? For me, it is the former that defines this most glorious of emotions, this epitome of the human psychology, this wonderful phenomenon that makes us rediscover ourselves in newer and more befitting ways!!

Talking about love, one can hardly ignore the epic stories of love, sacrifice and betrayal!!! The classics are full of tales of selfless love, wretched selfish romances (WH anyone), unrequited sentiments and the sense of pain and emptiness!! Amongst all the love stories that I've ever read or seen (and believe me, I've read plenty), one stands out as the most romantic and the most tragic, yet the strongest in its most critical phases!! It's an unusual tale of a love so deep it made his heart weep every second, a love so strong and powerful it led him through all the miseries and hardships that life challenged him with, a love so pure one can barely condemn it and a love so unrequited, he spent all his life trying to make amends for his mistakes and the way he wronged her without ever wanting to!! Such was the love Severus Snape held for Lily Evans, his childhood friend, his only friend, the girl who taught him to love, to treasure life, to live, even as his own family was nothing but a bagful of misery for him!! Yet bad company and some wrong choices distanced her from him forever, leaving him wanting forever, waiting forever, grieving forever for his beloved, the special one with the doe patronus who took his heart away and never gave it back, who made him the man he became, who gave him the strength to do what he had to do in order to have some sort of forgiveness, some absolution and a little peace of mind!!

The rest of his story is well known, how he lived and died for true love, a love so selfless he never really minded being misunderstood, misread, misjudged or misbehaved with!! He took all of it in his stride, courageously protecting the heir to those emerald green almond - shaped eyes, the son of a man he despised and loathed, the living piece of the woman he loved with every core of his being, every fiber of his soul and every breath of his life!! He died in the pursuit of the mission he'd made his life's priority, died by the cruel hands of a vain and selfish creature!! And yet even as he lay dying, he gave all he could to the boy who was his beloved's flesh and blood, reliving painful memories and recalling her in the twilight of his being!! He died and yet he lives for billions of people, for he epitomized love, made it immortal and ethereal by being who he was and doing what he did!! He may be a fictional character, a figment of a great mind's imagination, but those who have ever loved or ever will, can understand what a legend his love story was even though his feelings were never reciprocated, never returned, never requited!! In this age of selfish alliances, it warms my heart to have been blessed enough to read about a man who lived and died for love and made me fall in love with the very idea of love!!
Love ya, Sev!! and thank you, Jo for sharing his story with us!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


The supposed end came and went by, left me breathless and awestruck!!
Ahhhhhhhhh the brilliance of Yates, and d depth of Desplat's score so perfect!
Was an emotional roller coaster ride, had its ups and downs through the journey!
What never left me though was a sense of happiness and pride, d feeling so homey!

The Prince's tale made me lose control, d epic secret unveiled with such heart n soul!
Alan glorified Sev, epitomised true love with that final teary hug of agony, eyes tearful!!
The rendezvous with Prof. D filled me with nostalgia, glee and d beauty of d truth!
They might've passed, might've gone, but actually they never will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The epilogue was joyous, cute and befitting to the masterpiece's finale!!!!!!!!
With happy tears did I see Albus Severus and blessed his family for all eternity!
The coolest part was the sense of joy, of a bond ever stronger, ever deeper and eternal!
Not an ending, not a closure, for those who reside in the heart never do turn!!

That's the beauty of friendship, it survives all odds, with hardships yet ease!!!!!!
It grows and grows, becomes ever lasting, never to rot, never to cease!!
For true friends and those we hold dear, can't ever leave us waiting with a sigh!!!
They're always with us, strengthening us, for true friends never say GOOD BYE!!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Years have passed since she wove the first and glorious spell!
Years too since the day the magic on d big screen enthralled!!
Bonds of eternal friendship and loyalty that've enchanted millions!!!!
The epitome of wizardry in storytelling that's transformed generations!!

They say it all ends in 3 days' time, but for believers it never will!!!!!!!
For those who keep the faith alive, the candles in d Great Hall won't ever dim!
People we've come to love as our own will rule our hearts forever!!
The tale of true perseverance, love and valiance will continue to inspire!!!!!!!!! 

A man who lived and died for true love, a legend of courage and wits!!
A genius who abandoned power and let the Greater good persist!!
A boy who shouldered the burden of the world with d best of his efforts!!
Two friends who stood with him through thick n thin, led him past all barriers!!

Greatness cannot be slighted, it prevails and retains its glory!!!!
It never dies, never fades, posterity retells the mighty story!!!!!!!!
For this is not d end, just another beginning, d treasure will enrich us for life!
The world has seen, the world will remember, the saga will always suffice!!!!

An ode to HP and Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We're indebted for all eternity!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


The stage is set, the participants are ready for the challenge!
The Red clay beckons, the second Grand slam on d calendar!
The stakes are high, the ambitions even higher!
Hearts filled with passion, goals set with intense desire!!!!

Court Philippe Chartrier, Court Suzanne Lenglen on a roll!
The beautiful red clay, wondeRFul Paris sunshine, gorgeous yellow balls!
A fortnight of thrilling matches & outstanding contests is in store!
Roland Garros beckons, let's welcome the French major with a roar!

The maestro will once again take centre stage, vying 4 his 17th!
Millions of federistas wl be watching, nervous excited n super keen!
He'll cast a spell again, there will be an excess of adrenaline!
Some tense and cardiac moments, more brilliance and magical sheen!

Clad in Red and white, he'll start off his campaign for the Musketeers' Cup!
Great memories of '09 still fresh in our minds, for an encore let's cheer hm up!
Every new challenge is a new opportunity for success and glory!!!!
ALLEZ ROGI, write another memorable Roland Garros story!!!!!

Wishing Rogi all the very best for the French Open 2011!!!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


It feels like a lifetime ago since I updated d blog! It's exam season after all, phew! Talking about exams, it never ceases to amaze me how very pathetic our education system is when it comes to assessing n evaluating students! The great I.E.L. aka Indian Examination League is the belle of d ball in students' calendars (not that everyone takes them all that seriously) n to what end really! Seems we are totally hell-bent about quantity n marks and just don't give any importance to quality n intellect! With d syllabi not revised for years at a stretch in many universities n obsolete paper patterns, it is but obvious that results r misleading n often misguided!! Whether it's d elementary, middle, Secondary School exams or at d collegiate levels, the system's rotten through n through with lax reforms n totally anti-student marking schemes!

It pains me (n many I'm sure) when students miss entrances by mere decimal points or percentiles n resort to measures like self - depracation, suicide or unfair means to score higher! With d competition driving them into a predator v/s prey race, the very sequence of evolution n emotional development is left shattered. What kind of education can we as a civilisation hope to impart with such a rigid, all exclusive examination system??? What long-lasting productive ends can we really achieve when just passing d exams is d motto n chief priority of our children?? And how can we dream to become a world superpower when marks and percentiles alone are considered d criteria to judge intelligence n intellect?????

These are just a few key questions out of many more which are raising strong objections to d way student - evaluation is done in our country! It's high time indeed for some serious reforms in d assessment procedures and d examination patterns to make them multi-dimensional and student friendly! There's an urgent need to shift from d dragon's breath to d rabbit's sigh and to create a more inclusive and representative system! The Central Board of Secondary Education's efforts have been great especially with the grading system n making d X Boards optional, but a lot more needs to be done, more so at all levels of d multi-tier n elitist education system! 

Hoping we as d citizens of this nation can contribute to evolving better standards n procedures and develop a  psychology n social mentality that can see beyond numbers and appreciate the distinct talents and aspirations of their children!!!! Here's to innovation, liberty and self-reliance and a departure from age-old n primitive examination patterns!

Monday, March 7, 2011


She's beautiful and vibrant, a force of nature,
She's intelligent and versatile, God's most dynamic creation!
She's fierce and strong, passionate and sublime,
She can lead a nation and caress a wonderful rhyme!

She's the epitome of love, of beauty and grace,
She's witty and  firm, she's caring and daring!
She's full of intellect, brimming with inspiring spark,
She's a voice of power and reason in the dark!

She's a daughter, a wife, a sister, a mother and a friend,
She plays all roles to perfection, her capabilities see no end!
She's warm and bright, she's protective and offensive,
She outdoes herself, she excels in every pensieve!

She leads a nation with finesse, she nurtures new life,
She's a Goddess of versatility, a perennial ray of light!
She's an aura of joy and poise, she takes the right decisions,
She's a teacher, a preacher, she imbibes all of life's lessons!

She's an enigma, yet a reality true and beautiful!
She's gentle, yet ethereal, like the wind ever magical!
She graces this planet with springs of immense success!
She's a perpetual striver, a winner, to her I bow with awe and respect!


Saturday, January 15, 2011


Life's a long journey in which all of us keep travelling all d time - one place to another, one level to d next! It's a perpetual march ahead - a never-ending sojourn into diverse roads and routes and hitherto unexplored ventures! It is a beautiful journey, worth every endeavour n every moment! It's filled with many successes n failures n above all invaluable experiences n learnings, with twists n turns, highs and lows!

But most of d time, many of us end up giving too much weightage to the destination and neglect d beauty and significance of the journey per se! Somehow we fail 2 recognise that the journey we undertake, the people we meet, the liaisons we enter into, the relationships we nurture, the bonds we forge and cherish are more gratifying than the destinations, the positions or success we end up achieving! And that is when we miss out on the realisation and appreciation of a great experience and end up being shallow and insignificant in the grander scheme of things!

It is however, better late than never! We can still appreciate the beauty in brief smiles, the contentment in small achievements, the warmth in friendly embraces, the truth in lone introspections and the ethereal value in a seemingly insignificant moment! If and when we start doing the same, the journey would become all the more exciting, entertaining and gratifying!!!!! That's better than letting our whole journey fade away in quantitative parameters! Atleast I opine it is!!!!

Life's a long journey, filled with many a doubt!
A lot to cry upon, still more to smile about!
Live every moment fully, appreciate d beauty in play!
Lest you end up at your destination with no value 4 the day!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Now that d fireworks n parties are over n done with, d hangovers dealt with, resolutions taken ( 2 b broken n modified) with n d new decade welcomed already, it's time 2 look ahead 2 d year that awaits us with lots of challenges n opportunities!!!! A lot has transpired in d last decade n so much of consequence has happened, which is going 2 have a huge impact on how things work out in d new decade!!!

Firstly d recession is still not over, its effects are still being felt in d Euro-zone n parts of North n South America n Asia as well!! The challenge lies in getting d economies into motion n out of d recessionary spiral! In most countries, this is already being done but accountability n follow-up 2 d stimuli r a must as well 2 ensure fuller implementation of d solutions!!!!! As far as India is concerned, we need 2 keep d growth momentum going but check d foreign capital inflows esp. d Foreign Institutional Investments (F.I.I.s) because of their high volatility n manifold other reasons, lest we end up building a bubble almost ready to burst!
On d opportunities side, we have d growth of d services n I.T. sector n of course d Public Private Partnership 2 name a few!!!!!!!!! The right policies n timely actions by d Government n d agencies concerned esp. d R.B.I..would play a crucial role as ever! In d years 2 come, India is poised 2 play a key role in d world economy! Indeed it's already an economic superpower!!!!! A lot remains 2 b done on this front though - to tap d enormous potential that we have!

Now on d social frontier, there's d perennial problem of d  population explosion, d ever-increasing poverty n unemployment numbers!!!!! Then again there's d female foeticide n infanticide, crimes against women n children n all kinds of social felonies! A lot needs to b done to curb d growing violence n social malpractices n d first n foremost step is increasing awareness n education!!!! The National Literacy Mission n d Right 2 Education Act, in India, should b implemented 2 d highest degree possible!!!! Education 4 all is a must, but literacy 4 all is d key! Also health n social infrastructure facilities need 2 b enhanced which is a huge challenge in our country given d population n d multi-level chain of authority n decision making!
Still there's opportunity 2, with d great creative n vibrant manpower India possesses! Training this manpower efficiently n effectively 2 become d building blocks of d country n also supporting them with d required infrastructure is a job d Government has 2 invest in very wisely n strategically!!!!!

The world today is sailing on troubled waters with terrorism being a continuous threat n conflicts between nations ruling d political shores!!!! To add 2 d international predicaments, almost all d countries r having internal strifes, conflicts 4 power n corruption reigning through!!!!!!! In India, in particular, it'd b very crucial how d Governments - both at d Centre n in d states, manage 2 control corruption n build a cleaner n more transparent system! Also dealing with d insurgencies n various movements 4 separatism through various fractions of d nation is going 2 b difficult but it's possible through effective n intelligent statesmanship n dialogue! Not 2 mention the excessively explosive relationship we share with some neighbours which remains a boiling point as much as ever!
On d opportunity side, we have loads of strategic bonds 2 build with many countries n enhance our position in d global arena!!!!!!!! This is going 2 take a while but we shall accomplish our goals!!!!

So many other dimensions left like international trade, bilateral relations n so on, but I opine that d 1st half of d decade would take India 2 greater heights, all we need is an awakening n strife 2 do better n 2 realise our latent potential!!!!
Wishing everyone a Happy New year!!!!!!!! Here's 2 challenges n 2 opportunities!!!!!

Every step's a challenge, every step an opportunity!!
Gotta see beyond d obvious, beyond d vicinity!!
Lots 2 achieve in d decade 2 come n a lot more 2 sustain!!
Through a clear vision n concerted efforts, we can weather any terrain!!!!!