Suppressed, exploited and submerged too long!
Finally the voice has delivered a cataclysmic song!
No longer will it succumb to tolerance and patience!
The barriers have fallen, the revolution has begun hence!
It takes a true flame to enlighten a billion hearts, to evoke their passions!
Someone to initiate and be the rebel, to find solutions to the tensions!
And when the spark's ignited, the sufferers rise and unite as one voice!
To seek answers, to change the impasse, to make that reactive choice!
The plight of the masses, the anguish, the anger, the pain!
Pouring down on the powers-that-be, like unstoppable rain!
They can't stop us now, we've born with them too much!
It's our time to speak out, no longer will the voices be crushed!
Change will come, the change we will bring, the change we will see!
Usurpers of the nation's wealth will have to face the collective decree!
Won't fall, won't err, won't bear any more the misutilisation of authority!
It's the fight for a corruption free India, history will witness this glorious testimony!