Saturday, January 15, 2011


Life's a long journey in which all of us keep travelling all d time - one place to another, one level to d next! It's a perpetual march ahead - a never-ending sojourn into diverse roads and routes and hitherto unexplored ventures! It is a beautiful journey, worth every endeavour n every moment! It's filled with many successes n failures n above all invaluable experiences n learnings, with twists n turns, highs and lows!

But most of d time, many of us end up giving too much weightage to the destination and neglect d beauty and significance of the journey per se! Somehow we fail 2 recognise that the journey we undertake, the people we meet, the liaisons we enter into, the relationships we nurture, the bonds we forge and cherish are more gratifying than the destinations, the positions or success we end up achieving! And that is when we miss out on the realisation and appreciation of a great experience and end up being shallow and insignificant in the grander scheme of things!

It is however, better late than never! We can still appreciate the beauty in brief smiles, the contentment in small achievements, the warmth in friendly embraces, the truth in lone introspections and the ethereal value in a seemingly insignificant moment! If and when we start doing the same, the journey would become all the more exciting, entertaining and gratifying!!!!! That's better than letting our whole journey fade away in quantitative parameters! Atleast I opine it is!!!!

Life's a long journey, filled with many a doubt!
A lot to cry upon, still more to smile about!
Live every moment fully, appreciate d beauty in play!
Lest you end up at your destination with no value 4 the day!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Now that d fireworks n parties are over n done with, d hangovers dealt with, resolutions taken ( 2 b broken n modified) with n d new decade welcomed already, it's time 2 look ahead 2 d year that awaits us with lots of challenges n opportunities!!!! A lot has transpired in d last decade n so much of consequence has happened, which is going 2 have a huge impact on how things work out in d new decade!!!

Firstly d recession is still not over, its effects are still being felt in d Euro-zone n parts of North n South America n Asia as well!! The challenge lies in getting d economies into motion n out of d recessionary spiral! In most countries, this is already being done but accountability n follow-up 2 d stimuli r a must as well 2 ensure fuller implementation of d solutions!!!!! As far as India is concerned, we need 2 keep d growth momentum going but check d foreign capital inflows esp. d Foreign Institutional Investments (F.I.I.s) because of their high volatility n manifold other reasons, lest we end up building a bubble almost ready to burst!
On d opportunities side, we have d growth of d services n I.T. sector n of course d Public Private Partnership 2 name a few!!!!!!!!! The right policies n timely actions by d Government n d agencies concerned esp. d R.B.I..would play a crucial role as ever! In d years 2 come, India is poised 2 play a key role in d world economy! Indeed it's already an economic superpower!!!!! A lot remains 2 b done on this front though - to tap d enormous potential that we have!

Now on d social frontier, there's d perennial problem of d  population explosion, d ever-increasing poverty n unemployment numbers!!!!! Then again there's d female foeticide n infanticide, crimes against women n children n all kinds of social felonies! A lot needs to b done to curb d growing violence n social malpractices n d first n foremost step is increasing awareness n education!!!! The National Literacy Mission n d Right 2 Education Act, in India, should b implemented 2 d highest degree possible!!!! Education 4 all is a must, but literacy 4 all is d key! Also health n social infrastructure facilities need 2 b enhanced which is a huge challenge in our country given d population n d multi-level chain of authority n decision making!
Still there's opportunity 2, with d great creative n vibrant manpower India possesses! Training this manpower efficiently n effectively 2 become d building blocks of d country n also supporting them with d required infrastructure is a job d Government has 2 invest in very wisely n strategically!!!!!

The world today is sailing on troubled waters with terrorism being a continuous threat n conflicts between nations ruling d political shores!!!! To add 2 d international predicaments, almost all d countries r having internal strifes, conflicts 4 power n corruption reigning through!!!!!!! In India, in particular, it'd b very crucial how d Governments - both at d Centre n in d states, manage 2 control corruption n build a cleaner n more transparent system! Also dealing with d insurgencies n various movements 4 separatism through various fractions of d nation is going 2 b difficult but it's possible through effective n intelligent statesmanship n dialogue! Not 2 mention the excessively explosive relationship we share with some neighbours which remains a boiling point as much as ever!
On d opportunity side, we have loads of strategic bonds 2 build with many countries n enhance our position in d global arena!!!!!!!! This is going 2 take a while but we shall accomplish our goals!!!!

So many other dimensions left like international trade, bilateral relations n so on, but I opine that d 1st half of d decade would take India 2 greater heights, all we need is an awakening n strife 2 do better n 2 realise our latent potential!!!!
Wishing everyone a Happy New year!!!!!!!! Here's 2 challenges n 2 opportunities!!!!!

Every step's a challenge, every step an opportunity!!
Gotta see beyond d obvious, beyond d vicinity!!
Lots 2 achieve in d decade 2 come n a lot more 2 sustain!!
Through a clear vision n concerted efforts, we can weather any terrain!!!!!